
Showing posts from August, 2017

Why the Adventure is taking place!

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month! During that month I was involved in a plethora of things from awareness tables to working on Project Unbreakable  to taking part in roundtable discussion events etc...  We also started a student club dedicated to the awareness and elimination of sexual assault on campus called Rise on top of my normal duties at the Bay Area Women's Center  and the Sexual Assault Center  all focusing on the same topic of sexual violence prevention and education. During all of the events, I was contacted by a local news channel who had heard of all we were trying to do. I was contacted because the anchor knew of my different roles in the community and I had talked with her before regarding some other issues a few months prior. At that time I was able to get someone else to do the interview and i didn't have to. This time around she was very insistent. Especially when I told her about the new student organization Rise. "I'm not the leader or presi